Here's an example of how to include the viewer. First of all, copy all the files found on this
folder and then, in your html, add:
Here's a description of all the applet parameters that you can use on the html file:
* file2load: The file(s) to present in the viewer. Use relative paths from the current location
of the html. For multiple files, separate with a star (*), ie. file1.pgn*file2.pgn*file3.pgn
* description: The label(s) for each loaded file. This is the text displayed in the file list - when
using multiple files, separate descriptions with a star.
* lic: The license(s) for the viewer. If you have many licenses, separate with a comma(,)
* bgcolor: Background color
* fgcolor: Foreground(text) color
* alwaysreload: 'never' if you don't want the refresh button to be visible,
'no' if you want to show the refresh button but allow it to work only when the pgn has changed,
'yes' if you want to show the refresh button and always allow the refreshing (even
if the file has NOT changed).
- Values: yes | no | never
- Default: no
* squaresize: Size of each square in the board in pixels
- Default: 32
* reloadtime: If set to 0, or not set at all, no background reloading of the pgn will take place.
Otherwise, it is the number of seconds between two reloads.
- Default:0
* showrect: Highlights the last move.
- Values: yes | no | never
- Default: yes
* gotoEnd: Whether to go directly to the end of the game after loading a pgn file.
- Values: yes | no
- Default: no
* alwaystry: If the server does not report modification times for files
and this is set to false, the reloading process will stop trying to load
newer versions of the pgn files.
- Values: yes | no
- Default: no (Should not be changed, will increase server load)
* txtcolor:
* topcolor:
* gui: Selects the user interface of the PgnViewer. In case of custom
gui, a file named "customgui.txt" must be present in the same
folder as the html file.
- Values: old | new | custom | | cp://gui1.txt | cp://gui2.txt | cp://gui3.txt
- Default: new (or old if you don't have the correct license)
* zipmethod: If not used or if equal to -1, the zip method will be
determined by the filename. Otherwise, it is 0 for normal pgn file,
1 for a zip file containing one pgn and 2 for a gzipped pgn file.
When creating custom skins, you'll need to author your own customgui.txt file. The best
(currently) way to understand its structure is to open the existing one in a text editor
and play around :)